Understand Your Supply Chain Risk

Identify your Critical Suppliers, assess your Supplier Risk and gain visibility of the threats your business faces

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Your Door To Managing Supplier Risk

We get it - evaluating your supply chain can feel like navigating through an ancient labyrinth. But with VenDoor, you can simplify and streamline the process, swiftly assessing the risk profile of your entire supply chain.

Key Questions, Instant Answers

VenDoor poses the critical questions and instantly reveals the vital Business Impact Factors that matter the most to your organisation. We’ve revolutionised Supplier Evaluation Risk Management with a unique calculation that produces a risk rating that’s not binary, but displays different dimensions of risk based on criticality or supplier, likelihood of the threat and the severity of the impact of that threat

Take the Reins

Seize control of the Supplier Risk Management process from start to finish

All-In-One Solution

VenDoor securely stores all your supplier security information in a single, accessible system

Efficient Dashboard

Effortlessly target failures and exceptions with our efficient dashboard and reporting tools

Expert Remediation

Our dedicated experts at The ZDL Group are here to provide remediation strategies, reducing overall risk.

Designed with Cyber Security at the core

At The ZDL Group we were often asked by our clients to assess the security of numerous suppliers they had accumulated while meeting their customer requirements.

We noticed that at best only the top suppliers were ever reviewed, and often then it was only at a very cursory level. Familiarity leading to complacency. We realised that this was a problem that needed a solution. That’s why we created VenDoor.

We understood that even though your supplier may have all the right policies in place, this didn’t mean they were being followed or indeed enforced. This is where vulnerabilities can become threats. Threats that impact not only the supplier but also your business and ultimately your customers.

It is from this extensive background of hands-on, practical experience gained helping our clients to protect themselves that we realised the need for an automated security solution for third party risk management.

The Business Threat Landscape

Understanding the Key Business Impact Factors
The questions set within the platform are constantly reviewed and updated to incorporate changes to legislation, improvements in cyber security risk frameworks and to ensure that the platform is assessing against the current Threat Landscape.


We ensure suppliers have the necessary controls in place to protect against ransomware attacks.

Data loss

VenDoor tracks supplier responses and calculates the risk of vulnerability to common cyber threats, including data loss.

Unauthorised Access

Check that your suppliers securely store and protect shared data. VenDoor identifies potential risks for common cyber attacks, helping you pinpoint weaknesses.

Denial of service (DOS)

Our review assesses suppliers' internal policies, procedures, and configurations to determine their ability to fend off DoS attacks.

"VenDoor provides a platform for more effective governance and reporting of supply chain risks, including cyber security vulnerabilities, to build resilience to unplanned events while reducing long-term risk, costs, and protecting your reputation."

Deborah Worley, COO

Ready to go?

Supply chain breaches account for over 65% of cyber security incidents. Reducing the risk that your organisation faces when working with external service providers should be a top priority.

VenDoor is a Scaleable, Repeatable & Cost-Effective way to assess your whole supply chain and spot more vulnerabilities.

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